Benvenuti in un isola che scava la sua strada nel cuore di tutti coloro che visitano. Non appena messo piede sulle sue rive, antichi segreti turbolenzaintorno densa come la nebbia che permea l'aria. C'è un male qui - nascosta e silenziosa - in attesa. Quale sarà la tua storia sarà? Tutti sono benvenuti a venireed esplorare. Combattere dadi in questo free-form, giochi di ruolo medievali sim.
Welcome to an island that burrows its way into the core of all who visit. As soon as you set foot on its shores, ancient secrets swirl around as thick as the fog that permeates the air. There is an evil here — hidden and silent — waiting. What will your story be? Everyone is welcome to come and explore. Dice combat in this free-form, medieval role-play sim.
Welcome to an island that burrows its way into the core of all who visit. As soon as you set foot on its shores, ancient secrets swirl around as thick as the fog that permeates the air. There is an evil here — hidden and silent — waiting. What will your story be? Everyone is welcome to come and explore. Dice combat in this free-form, medieval role-play sim.
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Contribute and share your photos and your travel comments and beautiful places you have and you want to see my friends even to those who do not know the potential of graphics S.L.