Che cos'è Sto Second Life?
Tutto è cominciato per caso... tutto è iniziato solo giocando per capire.... per evadere...
ma ben presto mi ha preso la mano...
E ancora oggi che ho deciso di fare... una pausa di riflessione... mi continua a richiamare dentro di se... nei suoi labirinti incantati....
Lasciate ogni idea reale al di fuori di qui... ed entrate... poi capirete... forse capirete e proverete quello che può arrivare a significare.. quello che vi può accadere....
La seconda vita di un virtuale a volte meglio a volte peggio del reale
Di Second Life si è scritto e detto quasi tutto... (soprattutto da chi non l'ha mai veramente vissuto)
Ma qui tutti, vecchi e nuovi, saranno benvenuti a dire direttamente la loro, a raccontare, a recensire, a consigliare, a considerare, a cercarsi, a conoscere e a far conoscere, tutte le esperienze, dalle più belle alle più brutte, che abbiano avuto in questa incredibile e pazza avventura che avvolge questo mondo, a volte ossessionante, tanto simile e diverso dal reale e così colmo di piccole/grandi follie.
venerdì 28 ottobre 2011
giovedì 20 ottobre 2011
Dreams & Desires
Esplora questa terra romantica nella zona adulti di Second Life. Lascia che i paesaggi splendidi ti trasportino a godere della serenità con la tua persona speciale.
Explore this romantic land in the adult area of Second Life. Let the gorgeous landscapes transport you and enjoy the serenity with your special someone.
Tertius Vitae
Tertius Vitae offre gli adulti discriminantI di Second Life un posto per divertirsi così come i numerosi eventi ospitati dai suoi membri.
Tertius Vitae offers the discriminating adults of Second Life a place to enjoy themselves as well as the many events hosted by its members
Future Fendom
Conduce la donna e l'uomo adora questo matriarcato della società al 100% coinvolgente. Secondo la descrizione stessa del locale: "Tutto donna è la Dea-Empowered, l'uomo è allevato per adorare il Sisterhood che porta l'umanità a un destino di rispetto, amore e passione."
Woman leads and man worships in this 100% immersive societal matriarchy. According to the venue's own description: "All woman is Goddess-Empowered, man is bred to worship the Sisterhood that leads humanity to a destiny of respect, love and passion."
lunedì 17 ottobre 2011
Omega Point
Questo oscuro, misterioso mondo fantasy è costruita su scala epica. Gran guglie architettonico salire verso le nuvole, mentre i ponti vasta e viste mozzafiato attendono i viaggiatori avventurosi.
This dark, mysterious fantasy world is built on an epic scale. Grand architectural spires ascend to the clouds, while vast bridges and stunning views await adventurous travelers.
Girare le impostazioni di ambiente a mezzanotte e preparati a vivere questo strano mondo. Dalla sua viola-finestra del castello, le sue isole galleggianti legati da catene, e la sua pioggia incessante, questo luogo misterioso pone più domande che risposte.
Turn your environment settings to midnight and prepare to experience this strange world. From its purple-windowed castle, its floating islands tethered by chains, and its incessant rain, this mysterious place poses more question than it answers.
Lemondrop's Forest
Camminando attraverso la foresta Lemondrop è come fare una passeggiata attraverso il cartone animato classico un bambino, dove i maiali volano in razzi sono la norma. Vagare per la città di pan di zenzero, esplorare la galleria d'arte cartone animato, o pilota una gondola in tutto il bacino per una splendida vista della foresta massiccio rape a forma di albero-casa.
Walking through Lemondrop's Forest is like taking a stroll through a classic kid's cartoon, where flying pigs in rockets are the norm. Wander through the gingerbread city, explore the cartoon art gallery, or pilot a gondola around the dock for a great view of the forest's massive rutabaga-shaped tree-house.
Passeggiando per Aletheia è come strisciare intorno allo scheletro di un coleottero mutante. Viscido e inquietante, questa build è garantita da incubo per dare a qualcuno i brividi, specialmente quelli che non amano i bug.
Walking around Aletheia is like crawling around the skeleton of a mutant beetle. Slimy and creepy, this nightmarish build is guaranteed to give someone the willies, especially those who don't like bugs.
Alpha Point
Camminando vicino a Point Alpha è come muoversi attraverso la città capitale di un pianeta lontano. LCD torri sfarfallio nelle caverne sotto mentre pterodattili cerchio intorno guglie giganti - e tutto ciò che è solo un warm-up per ciò che troverete all'interno del sontuoso palazzo a più piani cremisi.
Walking around Alpha Point is like moving through the capital city of a distant planet. LCD towers flicker in the caverns below while pterodactyls circle around giant spires — and all that is just a warm-up for what you'll find inside the opulent multi-story crimson palace.
Il fulcro della Cadenza è il pianoforte all'interno del scavata tronco d'albero con i raggi di luce vorticosa spirale intorno ad esso. Tuttavia, la mostra d'arte vicina e la cupola coniglio sono altrettanto affascinanti e meritano uno sguardo.
The centerpiece of Cadenza is the piano inside the hollowed-out tree trunk with the swirling rays of light spiraling around it. However, the nearby art exhibition and bunny dome are just as enchanting and deserve a look.
sabato 15 ottobre 2011
Un posto per fae nascosto da occhi mortali. Questa casa di elfi, drow, fate, folletti,sirene, fauni, centauri e altre creature mistiche caratteristiche di una raduracolorata con un albero gigante, antico borgo, e mercato.
A place for fae hidden away from mortal eyes. This home to elves, drow, faeries, pixies, mermaids, fauns, centaurs, and other mystical creatures features a colorful glade with a giant tree, ancient village, and marketplace.
Neverwhere è un'isola incantata che è stata abitata da specie provenienti da tuttala galassia, non solo dal passato e presente, ma dal futuro. Nessuno sa doveNeverwhere è, né il tempo o l'anno. La galassia ha portali su ogni pianeta nel suosistema, per esempio, la Terra ha il Triangolo delle Bermuda. Eppure, nessuno sa dove conducono.
NeverWhere is an enchanted island that has been inhabited by species from all over the galaxy; not only from the past and present, but from the future as well. No one knows where NeverWhere is, nor the time or year. The galaxy has portals on every planet in it's system; for instance, Earth has the Bermuda Triangle. Yet, no one knows where they lead.
NeverWhere is an enchanted island that has been inhabited by species from all over the galaxy; not only from the past and present, but from the future as well. No one knows where NeverWhere is, nor the time or year. The galaxy has portals on every planet in it's system; for instance, Earth has the Bermuda Triangle. Yet, no one knows where they lead.
Immortal Myths
Avventurarsi in questo bellissimo gioco di ruolo virtuale e zona di allevamentoanimali da compagnia con uno stile medievale. Di lingua tedesca residenti sono i benvenuti qui! Das Konzept der Sim basiert auf ein Zusammenspiel zwischen RPe allevamento. Yuk Lasst Ueberraschen.
Venture forth into this beautiful role-playing and virtual pet breeding area with a medieval style. German-speaking Residents are welcome here! Das Konzept der Sim basiert auf ein Zusammenspiel zwischen RP & Breeding. Lasst euch Ueberraschen.
Venture forth into this beautiful role-playing and virtual pet breeding area with a medieval style. German-speaking Residents are welcome here! Das Konzept der Sim basiert auf ein Zusammenspiel zwischen RP & Breeding. Lasst euch Ueberraschen.
Isle of Amras
Benvenuti in un isola che scava la sua strada nel cuore di tutti coloro che visitano. Non appena messo piede sulle sue rive, antichi segreti turbolenzaintorno densa come la nebbia che permea l'aria. C'è un male qui - nascosta e silenziosa - in attesa. Quale sarà la tua storia sarà? Tutti sono benvenuti a venireed esplorare. Combattere dadi in questo free-form, giochi di ruolo medievali sim.
Welcome to an island that burrows its way into the core of all who visit. As soon as you set foot on its shores, ancient secrets swirl around as thick as the fog that permeates the air. There is an evil here — hidden and silent — waiting. What will your story be? Everyone is welcome to come and explore. Dice combat in this free-form, medieval role-play sim.
Welcome to an island that burrows its way into the core of all who visit. As soon as you set foot on its shores, ancient secrets swirl around as thick as the fog that permeates the air. There is an evil here — hidden and silent — waiting. What will your story be? Everyone is welcome to come and explore. Dice combat in this free-form, medieval role-play sim.
The Dark Ages: Blackwood
Viaggio al Medioevo e visitare Blackwood, un misterioso villaggio medievalecircondato da una foresta e le montagne. In questo gioco di ruolo comunità CCS,si incontrano molte creature compresi gli esseri umani, angeli, demoni, vampiri,nekos e altro ancora.
Journey to the Dark Ages and visit Blackwood, a mysterious medieval village surrounded by a forest and mountains. In this CCS role-play community, you'll encounter many creatures including humans, angels, demons, vampires, nekos and more.
Journey to the Dark Ages and visit Blackwood, a mysterious medieval village surrounded by a forest and mountains. In this CCS role-play community, you'll encounter many creatures including humans, angels, demons, vampires, nekos and more.
Virtual Nature Landscaping
Benvenuti a Paradise Bay, dove i vostri sogni paesaggio virtuale può diventare una realtà. Trascorrere del tempo in natura tropicale, sotto le cascate o anche indettaglio la natura a tema skybox. Se desiderate afferrare alcune delle bellezze naturali per la strada, si è in grado di prendere il vostro elementi preferiti a casa tua e ti fanno proprio giardino.
Welcome to Paradise Bay, where your virtual landscaping dreams can become a reality. Spend some time in tropical nature, under waterfalls or even in detailed nature-themed skyboxes. If you would like to grab some of the natural beauty for the road, you are able to take your favorite elements to your home and make you own garden.
Welcome to Paradise Bay, where your virtual landscaping dreams can become a reality. Spend some time in tropical nature, under waterfalls or even in detailed nature-themed skyboxes. If you would like to grab some of the natural beauty for the road, you are able to take your favorite elements to your home and make you own garden.
Heartseed Wild Designs
Le rose sono così cliché. Che ne dici di uno psichedelico, bellezza mare grande come un divano? Troverete questo e selezioni più esotici al Heartseed, dove anche il più umile della vite cresce più grande della vita. Non dimenticare diimmersione profonda per più tesori colorati.
Roses are so cliché. How about a psychedelic, seafaring beauty as big as a sofa? You'll find that and more exotic selections at Heartseed, where even the humblest of vines grows larger than life. Don't forget to dive deep for more colorful treasures.
Roses are so cliché. How about a psychedelic, seafaring beauty as big as a sofa? You'll find that and more exotic selections at Heartseed, where even the humblest of vines grows larger than life. Don't forget to dive deep for more colorful treasures.
Serious & Snissia
At Serious & Snissia, you'll find two shops surrounded by beautiful meadows filled with flowers. Spend some time among the huge selection of realistic sculpted low prim flower patches and grasses and explore the realistic plants and trees (all of which are available for your landscaping needs). You'll find gardening alpha textures, fashion outfits and other fun stuff here.
Oltre ad essere uno spazio di ritrovo sociale, Extropia è sede di numerose organizzazioni e imprese. Questa crescente comunità residenziale parti il desiderio di costruire un positivo, bello, futuro potenziamento per tutti.
As well as being a social hangout space, Extropia is home to several organizations and businesses. This growing residential community shares a desire to build a positive, beautiful, empowering future for all.
Inspire Space Park
Meditate nel cosmo. Orbit in una galassia ambiente intorno ai pianeti di down-tempo di musica. Rilassatevi nelle stelle e dare l'universo un abbraccio grande grande!
Meditate in the cosmos. Orbit in an ambient galaxy around the planets to down-tempo music. Relax in the stars and give the universe a great big hug!
Stonehenge Outer Space Park
Stonehenge in space? Fly up high to visit and experience this new twist on one of the most famous monuments in the world.
The Space Elevator at Bowness
Venite a cavalcare un ascensore spaziale magneticamente potenza in orbitageostazionaria! L'ascensore spaziale a Bowness simula cosa vuol dire essere in una stazione spaziale 3600 km (2200 miglia) sopra la Terra. Il concetto di unascensore spaziale utilizzando nanotubi di carbonio è attualmente in corso di valutazione da parte della NASA, e dovrebbe diventare praticabile all'interno didecenni.
Come ride a magnetically-powered space elevator into geostationary orbit! The Space Elevator at Bowness simulates what it's like to be in a Space Station 3600 km (2200 miles) above Earth. The concept of a space elevator using carbon nanotubes is currently being evaluated by NASA, and should become viable within decades.
Italia Vera
Viaggio in Italia Vera, una ricostruzione elaborata della vera Italia. Presenta una delle più grandi comunità di italiani in Second Life.
Travel to Italia Vera, an elaborate reconstruction of the true Italy. Features one of the largest communities of Italians in Second Life.
25 posti storica performance europee, che vanno dal 5 ° secolo aC al 20 ° secolo.Basta selezionare il vostro teatro a scelta dal pannello di controllo, e guardarloimpostare magicamente davanti ai vostri occhi. È quindi possibile volare oteletrasportarsi in ogni creazione per uno sguardo più attento.
25 historic European performance places, ranging from the 5th century BC to the 20th century. Simply select your theater of choice from the control panel, and watch it set up magically before your very eyes. You can then fly or teleport to each creation for a closer look.
Sistine Chapel
Dagli studenti al Vassar College arriva questa splendida attività ricreative e accurata in scala della Cappella Sistina. Questa build dimostra come la realtàvirtuale può essere utilizzata per conoscere l'architettura, oltre ad offrire un posto per ammirare le opere d'arte storica e bella senza la folla.
From students at Vassar College comes this stunning and accurate-to-scale recreation of The Sistine Chapel. This build demonstrates how virtual reality can be used to learn about architecture, as well as offering a place to admire the historic and beautiful artwork without the crowds.
Blackfriars Theatre
Blackfriars Theatre is a marvel of both art and engineering. Based on archaeological data and using custom textures, Blackfriars is a historically accurate recreation of Shakespeare's famed indoor playhouse. What better place to experience some of the Bard's greatest works?
Aquitaine Coeur
Journey back to late 18th century France, to a time where Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson sought aid from the French during the Revolution. Attend a concert at the opera house, shop in the village, have tea at a mill, and enjoy the simple pleasures of this idealistic French countryside.
Terra Egypta
Join the conversation with people from around the world as they discuss the state of political affairs and the citizen uprising in Egypt.
Venice @ Prada
Few things are more amore-riffic than a gondola ride through the canals at sunset with your avatar beloved. It's fitting that you can take a stroll through the Venetian streets, check out the carnival masks — and yes, ride the gondolas — in this homage to Italian culture. Turn down the lights with your graphics settings at Ultra for candlelight-dinner-worthy results (pictured).
This white castle stretches far above the clouds and towers over an elaborate landscape. Can you unlock the clues to discover an ancient elven secret?
A giant castle on a hill. A mysterious, smoke-infused forest. A stone circle and a shipwrecked boat. Explore Valhal, an area that takes its inspiration from the Vikings.
German Castle Ruin
Explore these medieval castle ruins, which make a perfect backdrop for a photography session.
Lost World
Abandoned ruins, waterfalls, and statues greet visitors to the Lost World on the island of Beguile. It's an ideal spot for exploring and, as mighty waves crash against the craggy shoreline, numerous photo opportunities abound.
101 Sun Castle
101 Sun Castle may seem like your typical Gothic cathedral, but it's really a gateway to the heavens. Step inside and follow the winding stairways up to the starry sky islands above.
Azuchi Castle was constructed from 1576-1579 before being demolished in 1582. One of the primary castles of Oda Nobunaga, its reproduction in Second Life includes AMM Designs which offers a variety of Asian-influenced items, plus beautiful places to explore outside of the castle walls.
Zain Ruins
Crumbled buildings like this can make for beautiful photo backdrops with personality. Come here with a loved one and explore different angles. Within flying distance is an animation shop, and in the other direction, a club to try out those dances.
Morphe Inc.
In Second Life, you can be king or queen of your very own castle. Morphe offers several expansive, luxurious models for your domain. Explore before you buy, but if you'd prefer a humbler abode, there's also a classic medieval village for sale.
Annon, The Gate
On one island of this "Arcipelagus," enter a monastery skirted by waterfalls. On another island, peruse a mystical tower dogged by rumors of a dance club in the basement. After you're done here, head southward to Athan for more mystical sightseeing.
Cheval de Mer
"Cheval de Mer" is French for "sea horse," and Addison Hax's luxurious residence carries a grace similar to its namesake. Embedded in trees and rising from the ocean, Cheval de Mer is a striking hybrid with castle-like towers and asymmetrical architecture. Don't miss the koi pond.
Majillis Al Jinn
Explore this island of worn ancient cliffs, sheltering a garden full of wonders. Lost for countless ages in the midst of a vast ocean and home to Jinn, Elves and gentle spirits.
Greylady Castle
Explore this medieval castle and its stunning surrounds. Don't forget to check out the amazing tall statues and exquisite detail.
Echoes of the Past
At Echoes of the Past, you'll travel to a medieval village and castle that is at the center of exhibitions for SL artists. There's also a library, an interactive museum, romantic dinning and dancing spots, games, a beach and even mysterious hidden and underground places to discover.
Muse Isle
Historic Muse Isle, which is one of the original live music and art venues in Second Life, features six beautiful islands to explore, including the Metanomics virtual world.
Blackwater Gallery
Blackwater Gallery is a large, public, open-air prim sculpture exhibit with works by many gifted artists.
The Rose Theatre
The Rose Theatre explores immersive design with stage sets and lighting in the context of virtual buildings within Second Life.
Art Box
Art Box is a Second Life exhibit that merges avatars with famous works of art.
The Port
An incredibly diverse set of art installations and small galleries are featured here, from the surreal to the sublime. Whether it's large floating dolphins, giant typewriters, flooded caves, or interactive exhibits, there should be something here for all art lovers to enjoy.
Smithsonian Latino Museum
Explore the Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum's world-class collections through video, audio and slide presentations.
Showcases the art by Bryn Oh, who is experimenting with mood and atmosphere as well as working on upcoming builds.
Imagine Nest
Imagine Nest is an interactive art project created by AuraKyo Insoo which celebrates imagination, dreams and love through large scale sculpture and vivid use of color.
Born Museum of Fine Arts
Holding regularly rotating exhibits of sculpture, painting and photography by a variety of Second Life artists, the Born Museum is a popular — yet peaceful — destination for all art lovers to enjoy.
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